My dental appointment was on Weds and yes, I did survive......I was a nervous mess, but I made it through and hopefully won't have to go back til next spring.....or maybe the spring after that or.......
Took the furballs to the vet Thursday and both are healthy except for one thing. Poor little Belle has a bad tooth and it is going to need to be pulled before we can leave. So, we now have a 'delay of game'. Belle's surgery is set for Tuesday. We had plans to be outta here by Sunday but now are hoping to be able to leave Weds. We will have to see what the vet says. Our vet also told us we might want to get the furbabies vaccinated for the doggie flu. Apparently, Florida is a "hot spot" for furball flu. Our vet didn't have any of the vaccine on hand so we will have to see a vet down there. I figure the Florida vet could check our her dental surgery at that point as well.
Here we still are cold, wet, and so ready to head south......