Tuesday, December 18, 2012


The folks here at Del Pueblo are so friendly....we, well I, enjoyed "happy hour" last night at one of our neighbors.  Billy decided to stay in on his beloved computer.  Anyway, you would have thought we had all known each other forever.  We were doing Fire Ball shots (something my Auntie Di introduced me to) around one of those portable propane firepits.  The neighbors across the way were having a big pizza party and yes, we managed to get some leftovers sent our way...LOL!  The street definitely lived up to it's reputation of being "rowdy" last night.  It was great fun! 
We made our appointment for our passport apps yesterday down at the post office....oh yeah....it was a zoo, but we managed to get in and out in under 10 minutes.  The earliest we could get in is Dec 21st and then it will take about 4 to 6 weeks to receive the passports.  Wish it were sooner, but we will be here til April... so time we have.
We also found out yesterday that someone had managed to get Billy's debit card number.  The last few times he had tried to use it...it was denied.  When we called our bank had cancelled the card...it seems someone was trying to go on a spending in spree in Europe.  Upon further investigation we did find a charge that had gotten past our bank....about 300.00 taken from our account.  Fortunately we were reimbursed for that charge.  I'm really mad at myself for not catching that....as I usually check our account every couple of days.  Not sure why I didn't see it.....but I'll be paying much closer attention to the numbers from here on!

1 comment:

  1. Scary business with the debit card! I need to make myself check my accounts every few days!


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