Sunday, February 15, 2009

Feb 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day everyone! We did nothing special today after almost 30 years of marriage we don’t feel the need for flowers and such. Oh don’t get me wrong, I love it when DH surprises me with some romantic gesture. But, I’m not disappointed when nothing “surprising” happens either. I’m safe and secure in the fact that he loves me---he may not say it very often---but he shows me everyday in all the little and big things he does for me. I’m so very blessed to have him in my life. I’m one of those “dreamers” and “schemers” and DH has gone along and supported everyone of those dreams. And even when I fail, he continues to encourage me and support me. I won’t say it was “love at first sight” for us, but it was darn close. Even after all these years, I still find him irresistible! He is truly my ‘soulmate’.

We did take a hike this day. Headed out to those sand dunes I had talked about yesterday. We did a total of about 3 miles. Both of us were ‘pooped’ when we got back to the fiver. You definitely use different muscles when walking in the sand and I’m sure my body is gonna let me know just how many different muscles I used in the morning :)

For dinner, we did pineapple burgers on the grill with a side of fried potatoes. So much for my 3 mile walk. DH did a superb job on the potatoes and I on the pineapple burgers. Pineapple burgers are just take a hamburger patty and when it is about 3/4 done you add a slice of your favorite cheese, then a pineapple ring, then a little BBQ sauce to top it all off. Very tasty and easy!

I spent the rest of the evening pondering my window treatments. I have the canvas out---now I just need that little thing called inspiration to hit. That inspiration has been doing some gnawing at me, but nothing definable as of yet............

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I've ever heard of a pineapple burger, but it sounds delicious and I;m going to try it as soon as the weather is good enough to grill outdoors.

    I love to read about your redecorating. There are a few things I'd like to do with my rig, although I'm insecure when it comes to decorating so I put it off and think about it for a long time. I'm hoping to pick up some tips from your blog.



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