We started out the day planning a trip to the post office to pick up our mail. The post office is in the small town of Congress--it is only about 5 miles down the road and truly is not much more than a wide spot in the road.
After retrieving the mail, we decided we might go down to Wickenburg and stop in at the visitors center to pick up some brochures on the area. Once there, we decided to go ahead and visit the museum. The price for admission was about $14.00 for the two of us. We enjoyed the museum and learned a lot about the history of Wickenburg and the Vulture Gold Mine. Next it was on to the ‘main event’ at the museum which is an art exhibit called “Cowgirl Up”. Wonderful western art created by women artist. Wish I could have taken some photos to share with you all, but of course that is a big “NO, NO” in the art world. After the museum, we walked around downtown Wickenburg and checked out a few of the other shops. Cute stuff, but none of it came home to live with us :-)
After our tour of the downtown and museum we decided to stop at a little Mexican restaurant for a late lunch. After stuffing ourselves, we headed back to the fiver. I decided a nap was in order and DH sat down at his computer. A little later, came a knock on our door. One of our rv neighbors asked if he could have a tour of our Americana. He had heard about them, but never seen one. So, DH gave him the grand tour.
Supper time came and went--both of us still full from lunch. Our usual evening of tv and recliner-ville and than off to bed. We will see what tomorrow brings.......
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
March 29, 2009
Today is overcast, but the temp is not bad---I think a high in the low 70’s. DH decided it was a good day to clean up the truck and the nose of the fiver. I know I spoke about the migration of the Pretty Ladies (butterflies) while we were in Yuma. Well the ‘Ladies’ don’t look so nice when they are squished on your windshield and the nose of your fiver.....YUCK! DH spent most of the day removing them. Once again, we are all ‘sparkly’ clean!
I turned my attention to the inside. It is really in pretty good shape....the surroundings here in North Park are a lot less ‘sandy’. We have more rock and ground cover which helps keep the sand at bay. I put the furballs out in their X-Pen so they could enjoy the day and keep an eye on DH. I then, did a little light dusting, ran sweeper, and mopped the floor. Sooo, now the inside matches the sparkly-ness of the outside. :-)
Our next big accomplishment for the day was our very first purchase on Ebay. I was doing some research on our satellite---looking for replacement parts in the event it was damaged from the fall the other day. I ran across an auction going on Ebay. It was for a used radio arm. The seller had high marks and a good return policy. The starting bid was $50.00 and so we decided to jump in. Even after we found our satellite was working, we decided having some spare parts would be a good thing. We started out with a max bid of $70.00. We ended up winning the auction with a bid of $86.00. We felt pretty good about that as the new radio arms run around $250-$300. Now, we think we may look into the used Direct Tv equipment. We have been debating the whole ‘tv’ issue for awhile. We have been getting by with just our antennae, but there is no question we would enjoy having more channels available to us. We are not interested in High Def--we are perfectly happy with the regular old digital signal. That means we could use the older dishes---seems to be a lot of those available now from folks who upgraded to the HD. I’m just not willing to pay an extra $10 bucks a month for the privilege of an HD signal! The receiver is going to be a little trickery---we want to be able to have more than one tv and we want to be able to watch one channel and record another. More research is in order before we jump in, but hey that is DH speciality!
I turned my attention to the inside. It is really in pretty good shape....the surroundings here in North Park are a lot less ‘sandy’. We have more rock and ground cover which helps keep the sand at bay. I put the furballs out in their X-Pen so they could enjoy the day and keep an eye on DH. I then, did a little light dusting, ran sweeper, and mopped the floor. Sooo, now the inside matches the sparkly-ness of the outside. :-)
Our next big accomplishment for the day was our very first purchase on Ebay. I was doing some research on our satellite---looking for replacement parts in the event it was damaged from the fall the other day. I ran across an auction going on Ebay. It was for a used radio arm. The seller had high marks and a good return policy. The starting bid was $50.00 and so we decided to jump in. Even after we found our satellite was working, we decided having some spare parts would be a good thing. We started out with a max bid of $70.00. We ended up winning the auction with a bid of $86.00. We felt pretty good about that as the new radio arms run around $250-$300. Now, we think we may look into the used Direct Tv equipment. We have been debating the whole ‘tv’ issue for awhile. We have been getting by with just our antennae, but there is no question we would enjoy having more channels available to us. We are not interested in High Def--we are perfectly happy with the regular old digital signal. That means we could use the older dishes---seems to be a lot of those available now from folks who upgraded to the HD. I’m just not willing to pay an extra $10 bucks a month for the privilege of an HD signal! The receiver is going to be a little trickery---we want to be able to have more than one tv and we want to be able to watch one channel and record another. More research is in order before we jump in, but hey that is DH speciality!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
March 29, 2009
Good news.....our satellite still works. We were able to get it put back together and working late yesterday and that is a very ‘goode’ thing!
We decided to head to Prescott today and check out the town. We went via the ‘back way’ along Skull Valley Road. This pass takes you up through the mountains, twisting and turning, up and down and all around. It is a beautiful drive......unless you are me and you have motion sickness and an aversion to heights. Then the ride becomes one of holding on for dear life---especially since DH seems to delight in my agitated state. He believes the posted speed limit of the twist and turns is merely a guideline and represents the lowest speed the curve my be approached.......he pushes the envelope......just how much faster can he go and still keep at least 4 of the 6 tires on the road. Thank goodness the truck comes with two ‘oh sh-t’ handles, although I could have used at least one more. DH says he will have to check the ceiling of the truck for finger imprints......oh my! Well, we made it and all in one piece....imagine that
Prescott is a nice little town. We headed down to Main Street and found ‘Whiskey Row’----your usual grouping of pubs and saloons with a few gift shops sprinkled in between. In the center of the block is a small public park. We would have stopped, but it was Saturday and the place was just packed.....no good place for us to park. When we had seen enough we headed back toward Congress. Fortunately for me, DH decided to take 69 over to I17 heading south back to Wickenburg and than over to the skp park. That drive was a lot less traumatic for me, but still enjoyable and great scenery.
We had thought we might want to take the fiver over to Prescott and spend some time, but we saw all we needed to today. It is too touristy for us and way to many people-----maybe another trip and at a different time we will check it out again and see a different side. We had tried to stop at the visitors center for more info, but there was just no place to park.......after circling the block 3 times we gave up.
Finally, back home at the fiver. It had been a long day and most of it was spent in the truck. We were all ready for a little ‘recliner time’ and then off to bed......zzzzz
We decided to head to Prescott today and check out the town. We went via the ‘back way’ along Skull Valley Road. This pass takes you up through the mountains, twisting and turning, up and down and all around. It is a beautiful drive......unless you are me and you have motion sickness and an aversion to heights. Then the ride becomes one of holding on for dear life---especially since DH seems to delight in my agitated state. He believes the posted speed limit of the twist and turns is merely a guideline and represents the lowest speed the curve my be approached.......he pushes the envelope......just how much faster can he go and still keep at least 4 of the 6 tires on the road. Thank goodness the truck comes with two ‘oh sh-t’ handles, although I could have used at least one more. DH says he will have to check the ceiling of the truck for finger imprints......oh my! Well, we made it and all in one piece....imagine that
Prescott is a nice little town. We headed down to Main Street and found ‘Whiskey Row’----your usual grouping of pubs and saloons with a few gift shops sprinkled in between. In the center of the block is a small public park. We would have stopped, but it was Saturday and the place was just packed.....no good place for us to park. When we had seen enough we headed back toward Congress. Fortunately for me, DH decided to take 69 over to I17 heading south back to Wickenburg and than over to the skp park. That drive was a lot less traumatic for me, but still enjoyable and great scenery.
We had thought we might want to take the fiver over to Prescott and spend some time, but we saw all we needed to today. It is too touristy for us and way to many people-----maybe another trip and at a different time we will check it out again and see a different side. We had tried to stop at the visitors center for more info, but there was just no place to park.......after circling the block 3 times we gave up.
Finally, back home at the fiver. It had been a long day and most of it was spent in the truck. We were all ready for a little ‘recliner time’ and then off to bed......zzzzz
Saturday, March 28, 2009
March 26 and 27, 2009
March 26 was a very windy day. We knew it was going to be a bad day so I went out and secured the lawn chairs and checked the satellite to make sure we were secure. No exploring today. DH and I stayed in the fiver and listened to the wind roar and the fiver shake! The wind started in the morning and gradually picked up speed throughout the day.
Just around nightfall, I was surfing the internet when two little furballs began to sit and stare intently at me. That’s their way of letting me know it is time to go out. So, I closed up the laptop and pulled on my fifteen (lol) layers of clothing to prepare for the onslaught of wind and cold. We made it out the door, without loosing the door, and the pups wasted no time in getting their business done. Poor little Belle, I thought I might have to put some diving weights around her to keep her feet on the ground, but she managed ok. I put the furballs back inside and decided to check on things and bad news!! Our satellite dish was down for the count. OUCH!! It had to have happened just before the pups and I headed out the door cause I had just been online minutes ago. We have never had the satellite blow over before, we came close once but we caught it in time. I really thought we were in good shape here. I thought it was well anchored and it was at the front of the fiver, actually sheltered from a good part of the wind. DH says the wind changed direction at some point and the weather folks said we were having gusts over 70 mile an hour. I gave DH a holler and together we took the dish and radio arm off and stowed them in the back of the truck. In the morning we would assess for damage.
Back inside we watched a little tv and then headed off to bed. Not the best of nights for sleeping the wind continued well into the wee-hours........
Up and at it early this morning, March 27. The wind had finally died down, but it was a bit on the chilly side.....I think somewhere in the 40s this am. We had breakfast and decided to head into the town of Wickenburg for a few grocery supplies and a hardware store. DH wanted to replace the rings and chains at the base of the satellite tripod. We were successful on both our missions and were back at the fiver in no time.
Upon further inspection of the satellite we found that the bracket which holds the radio arm and feed horn secure was broken in two places. We called Maxwell Satellite (these are the folks we purchased the unit from) and they were sorry to inform us that they do not sell parts. They actually had 4 of those brackets salvaged from other units, but apparently I was the fifth person to call this afternoon with this problem. I was outta luck. They did tell us it was ok to try and glue the thing back together with epoxy. So, DH went back to the hardware store and purchased the epoxy. He carefully glued the bracket pieces back together. We will let them sit overnight and see what happens tomorrow....
So, you may be wondering how it is that I am updating my blog. Well, the park here offers Tango Internet. You can purchase it by the day, week, month or year. We decided to go ahead and purchase 7 days for a cost of $14.00---not to bad. That way we have internet for the rest of our stay. I have already been searching for replacement parts for the satellite. The fact that the satellite fell hard enough to break the bracket suggests to us that the radio arm and or feed horn may be damaged as well. They both look ok, but looks can be deceiving......tomorrow will tell the story. DH even has me looking into the used Datastorm market. So, everyone reading this please keep your fingers crossed for us---hoping it is only the bracket that is damaged.
I did managed to have some fun today. Some of the ladies here at the park have a beading day at the activities center. It was today, so I went over to check it all out. I was surprised to find not only the beaders, but also a ‘mini bead shop’ set up. Apparently one of the gals here has her own bead shop. I don’t know if she runs it out of her home here at the park or if she has a place in town. It was great fun to look at all the different beads and projects. Yes, I did buy a few beads to add to my growing collection. A gals gotta keep here spirits up ya know.....:)
With the chilly weather, I also found time to bake a few dozen chocolate chip cookies. I almost half expected Howard to come knocking on my door at just the right time like he did in Benson, but alas no Howard. So, I loaded up a plate and took it round to some of the neighbors.
That’s about it for today........we will see what tomorrow brings...
Just around nightfall, I was surfing the internet when two little furballs began to sit and stare intently at me. That’s their way of letting me know it is time to go out. So, I closed up the laptop and pulled on my fifteen (lol) layers of clothing to prepare for the onslaught of wind and cold. We made it out the door, without loosing the door, and the pups wasted no time in getting their business done. Poor little Belle, I thought I might have to put some diving weights around her to keep her feet on the ground, but she managed ok. I put the furballs back inside and decided to check on things and bad news!! Our satellite dish was down for the count. OUCH!! It had to have happened just before the pups and I headed out the door cause I had just been online minutes ago. We have never had the satellite blow over before, we came close once but we caught it in time. I really thought we were in good shape here. I thought it was well anchored and it was at the front of the fiver, actually sheltered from a good part of the wind. DH says the wind changed direction at some point and the weather folks said we were having gusts over 70 mile an hour. I gave DH a holler and together we took the dish and radio arm off and stowed them in the back of the truck. In the morning we would assess for damage.
Back inside we watched a little tv and then headed off to bed. Not the best of nights for sleeping the wind continued well into the wee-hours........
Up and at it early this morning, March 27. The wind had finally died down, but it was a bit on the chilly side.....I think somewhere in the 40s this am. We had breakfast and decided to head into the town of Wickenburg for a few grocery supplies and a hardware store. DH wanted to replace the rings and chains at the base of the satellite tripod. We were successful on both our missions and were back at the fiver in no time.
Upon further inspection of the satellite we found that the bracket which holds the radio arm and feed horn secure was broken in two places. We called Maxwell Satellite (these are the folks we purchased the unit from) and they were sorry to inform us that they do not sell parts. They actually had 4 of those brackets salvaged from other units, but apparently I was the fifth person to call this afternoon with this problem. I was outta luck. They did tell us it was ok to try and glue the thing back together with epoxy. So, DH went back to the hardware store and purchased the epoxy. He carefully glued the bracket pieces back together. We will let them sit overnight and see what happens tomorrow....
So, you may be wondering how it is that I am updating my blog. Well, the park here offers Tango Internet. You can purchase it by the day, week, month or year. We decided to go ahead and purchase 7 days for a cost of $14.00---not to bad. That way we have internet for the rest of our stay. I have already been searching for replacement parts for the satellite. The fact that the satellite fell hard enough to break the bracket suggests to us that the radio arm and or feed horn may be damaged as well. They both look ok, but looks can be deceiving......tomorrow will tell the story. DH even has me looking into the used Datastorm market. So, everyone reading this please keep your fingers crossed for us---hoping it is only the bracket that is damaged.
I did managed to have some fun today. Some of the ladies here at the park have a beading day at the activities center. It was today, so I went over to check it all out. I was surprised to find not only the beaders, but also a ‘mini bead shop’ set up. Apparently one of the gals here has her own bead shop. I don’t know if she runs it out of her home here at the park or if she has a place in town. It was great fun to look at all the different beads and projects. Yes, I did buy a few beads to add to my growing collection. A gals gotta keep here spirits up ya know.....:)
With the chilly weather, I also found time to bake a few dozen chocolate chip cookies. I almost half expected Howard to come knocking on my door at just the right time like he did in Benson, but alas no Howard. So, I loaded up a plate and took it round to some of the neighbors.
That’s about it for today........we will see what tomorrow brings...
Thursday, March 26, 2009
March 25, 2009

I'll post more as we explore the park. Today was spent doing the laundry. They actually have two laundry areas. I used the one closest to our fiver. It has 4 washers and 4 dryers, but they ask you not to start all the washers at once. Apparently they have some drainage issues and if all 4 washes go through the rinse cycle at the same time---you have a flash flood on the floor to clean up. I had the laundry all to myself, but I just used two washers at a time. No flood clean up for me. It was a beautiful relaxing day. This laundry is in same building that houses the office. It has a big wrap around porch with chairs and a porch swing. Never enjoyed doing the laundry so much as I did today.
After laundry, we BBQ some steaks on the grill for dinner and kicked back in the recliners till bedtime. Oh, I almost forgot about the excitement of the day. Seems a rattle snake decided to sun itself on one of the streets here in the park. I guess one of the residence took offense to this, got out his gun, and shot it! That is a first for me, never stayed anywhere where folks are shooting rattlers! I will say that most of the rattle snake activity seems to be happening at the back of the park where the rv lots open onto the desert. We are waaaaayyyyy up front and as far as I know no one has spotted the critters up here.......yet........
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
March 25, 2009
Hey, Hey! We made it. We had a small problem in hitching up the fifth wheel. We have a Fifth Airborne Sidewinder hitch (which we love). We almost always turn the thing sideways when we park. When DH went to straighten it to “hitch up” position---it would not budge. We had to tie a rope around it and use the truck to pull it into position. The only thing we could figure was possibly the ‘heat’ there in the desert had cause things to expand. At any rate, once it was in position, we had no problems hitching up and pulling the fiver down the road. We plan on checking this out when we stop in Elkhart for a warranty repair on our micro/convection oven. The trip was relatively uneventful. The roads we traveled on could have been a little bit smoother, but we can deal with a little ‘bounce’ along life’s journeys! I will say the scenery along the way was absolutely beautiful, lots of rolling desert hills and mountains.
We left Southern Mesa around 11am and arrived here at the skp park in Congress about 2:30. We found out at check-in that they were having a dinner at the clubhouse this evening--homemade chicken noodle soup, salad, homemade rolls, and pineapple upside down cake for desert---all for $5.00! Apparently there is a group of ‘bakers’ (no not bikers) here at the park who decided to do this---it was their first time doing a dinner. The group puts on a big bake sale the first of April and I guess they serve homemade stickybuns for breakfast that morning. This is our kinda place! LOL!
The park itself looks very nice. I’ll have more on that and hopefully some photos in my next post. On our way here we went through Wickenburg--a small town only about 10 miles from the park. We were very impressed with what little we saw and will definitely be doing some exploring the week we are here. One last note, at dinner we were warned about the rattle snakes. It is warm enough that they have started to crawl or slither about---seems they like to sun themselves on the hot pavement here at the park and sometimes they stay till after dark continuing to ‘suck up ‘ the warmth. So, if you are out and about after the sun goes down a flashlight is a ‘must have’ item!!
We left Southern Mesa around 11am and arrived here at the skp park in Congress about 2:30. We found out at check-in that they were having a dinner at the clubhouse this evening--homemade chicken noodle soup, salad, homemade rolls, and pineapple upside down cake for desert---all for $5.00! Apparently there is a group of ‘bakers’ (no not bikers) here at the park who decided to do this---it was their first time doing a dinner. The group puts on a big bake sale the first of April and I guess they serve homemade stickybuns for breakfast that morning. This is our kinda place! LOL!
The park itself looks very nice. I’ll have more on that and hopefully some photos in my next post. On our way here we went through Wickenburg--a small town only about 10 miles from the park. We were very impressed with what little we saw and will definitely be doing some exploring the week we are here. One last note, at dinner we were warned about the rattle snakes. It is warm enough that they have started to crawl or slither about---seems they like to sun themselves on the hot pavement here at the park and sometimes they stay till after dark continuing to ‘suck up ‘ the warmth. So, if you are out and about after the sun goes down a flashlight is a ‘must have’ item!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
March 23, 2009
Today we headed into town to get a few groceries at wally world, wash the truck, and top off the tanks with diesel. All in anticipation of our journey tomorrow. Back at the fiver DH tightened the lug nuts, cleaned windows, and starting packing the basement. I did another round of cleaning on the inside trying to get rid of the last of the sand. I also checked to make sure all the overhead cabinets were secure for travel. I decided it was time to clean both fridges and defrost the freezers. Next, I moved on to the pantry, I cleaned and re-organized it. Whew! We were both ready for the recliners this evening.
After supper, I took the pups out for their evening walk. I noticed one of the basement doors had been left open. I put the furballs in the house and then returned to close the basement door. Just as I am about to close the door---a cat comes leaping out! Man, that scared the @%*!!! out of me. I carefully looked inside to make sure there were no more and no ‘presents’ left behind. Then I remembered a story the construction guy that lives behind us told us about......when we first arrived here he warned us not to leave our truck windows down. He had gotten in his truck to go to work early one morning, started it up, put it in gear, turned to look over his shoulder to back up and ---you guessed it---he was face to face with CAT! Apparently CAT is curious about any open window or compartment. LOL
CAT was our excitement for the day---now it is back to our easy chairs and a little tv before bed----tomorrow we roll---I’ll post again as soon as we have internet. Oh yeah, we are heading to a skp park in Congress AZ only about 200 miles away.
After supper, I took the pups out for their evening walk. I noticed one of the basement doors had been left open. I put the furballs in the house and then returned to close the basement door. Just as I am about to close the door---a cat comes leaping out! Man, that scared the @%*!!! out of me. I carefully looked inside to make sure there were no more and no ‘presents’ left behind. Then I remembered a story the construction guy that lives behind us told us about......when we first arrived here he warned us not to leave our truck windows down. He had gotten in his truck to go to work early one morning, started it up, put it in gear, turned to look over his shoulder to back up and ---you guessed it---he was face to face with CAT! Apparently CAT is curious about any open window or compartment. LOL
CAT was our excitement for the day---now it is back to our easy chairs and a little tv before bed----tomorrow we roll---I’ll post again as soon as we have internet. Oh yeah, we are heading to a skp park in Congress AZ only about 200 miles away.
Monday, March 23, 2009
March 22, 2009

After our trip to the conservatory, we headed back to the fiver. It seems it was a good thing we had done our sight seeing earlier in the day. Not long after we arrived home the wind kicked up...and I mean seriously kicked up. It was a good thing we had already taken down the awing. I never saw so much sand being blown around--truly a desert dust storm with limited visibility at times. We had the windows open and that turned out to be a mistake. After about a couple of hours, I could literally see 'piles' of sand on the floor in the fiver. I closed everything up and got out the sweeper. We left the ac on for the remainder of the day. By evening the temps had dropped considerably, so we turned off the air. The wind was still a factor so we only opened one window above the sink for a little ventilation.
Since I was stuck in the fiver for the rest of the day, I decided to do a little baking. I had some fresh lemons so how bout lemon cupcakes. Found a recipe online for a lemon cupcake with a lemon cream filling----a little more effort, but way worth it. They are a very dense cupcake--almost like a pound cake texture. DH was up next and he made some dog cookies. He also made dinner--spaghetti!
That was our day---tomorrow will be our last day here in Yuma.
Since I was stuck in the fiver for the rest of the day, I decided to do a little baking. I had some fresh lemons so how bout lemon cupcakes. Found a recipe online for a lemon cupcake with a lemon cream filling----a little more effort, but way worth it. They are a very dense cupcake--almost like a pound cake texture. DH was up next and he made some dog cookies. He also made dinner--spaghetti!
That was our day---tomorrow will be our last day here in Yuma.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
March 21, 2009
Not quite as hot today, but still a little on the warm side. DH bought a 20lb propane tank and hose to use on our little weber grill. Those small disposable are just to expensive and we go through them pretty quickly. Unfortunately, DH spent most of the day trying to get the gas to flow. He finally decided there was nothing wrong with the new tank and hose and the regulator checked out ok. So, he took the grill apart and cleaned everything---also blew some compressed air in and around the parts. That did it! Must have been some small bit of debris clogging up something. With that done, he decided to go ahead and check tire pressures on the truck and trailer.
While DH worked his little kester off---I did do some cleaning--Trying to rid the fiver of all the sand we seem to track in by the truck loads.
That pretty much ‘shot’ the day......a little tv and off to beddy bye
While DH worked his little kester off---I did do some cleaning--Trying to rid the fiver of all the sand we seem to track in by the truck loads.
That pretty much ‘shot’ the day......a little tv and off to beddy bye
Saturday, March 21, 2009
March 20,2009
Another hot one here in the desert southwest! We are moving slow today and stayed at the fiver all day. I did get my walk in this am and then had a nice neighborly chat with a ‘single’ full timer here in the park. She is a real sweetheart of a gal and I have enjoyed spending time with her---she has become my walking partner in the mornings. I told her all about the rv-dreams web site and ‘chat’.
We ran the ac again this afternoon, but tomorrow is supposed to be a little cooler.....that is a good thing. DH needs to crawl under the fiver and check all those things you check when you have been ‘sitting’ for a while. I’m excited to be on the road again.......looking forward to seeing new places. I’m also ready to get back to Indiana and meet up with my friends and family there.......funny I couldn’t wait to get the heck out of there last December, but those 20 degree temps-snow-and ice might have had something to do with that. Indiana will always be ‘home’ to me. I was born and raised there and it seems it will always ‘call out to me’ when I’m on the road.
We will be living in the fiver on the river lot for most of the summer. The ‘river’ is a magical place----it is quiet and peaceful, can get hotter than heck, but there is just something about it. Good times and good memories---especially those times spent with my Dad.........just a swinging!
We ran the ac again this afternoon, but tomorrow is supposed to be a little cooler.....that is a good thing. DH needs to crawl under the fiver and check all those things you check when you have been ‘sitting’ for a while. I’m excited to be on the road again.......looking forward to seeing new places. I’m also ready to get back to Indiana and meet up with my friends and family there.......funny I couldn’t wait to get the heck out of there last December, but those 20 degree temps-snow-and ice might have had something to do with that. Indiana will always be ‘home’ to me. I was born and raised there and it seems it will always ‘call out to me’ when I’m on the road.
We will be living in the fiver on the river lot for most of the summer. The ‘river’ is a magical place----it is quiet and peaceful, can get hotter than heck, but there is just something about it. Good times and good memories---especially those times spent with my Dad.........just a swinging!
Friday, March 20, 2009
March 19, 2009
Just 4 more days till ‘blast off’ as my grandfather would say.....
Not much to report. We made our last trip over to the Arizona Marketplace (flea market style shopping). Had our last lunch time burrito at the local taco stand.
Back at the fiver, we broke down and turned on the ac for the first time. Our outside thermometer was reading 99.3. We were not sure the park’s electrical system could handle it, but apparently they got their earlier problem fixed cause everything held. I did some more beading and DH was on his computer.
Around 7pm we shut the ac down and opened the windows. Settled in for a little tv and that was that.......
Not much to report. We made our last trip over to the Arizona Marketplace (flea market style shopping). Had our last lunch time burrito at the local taco stand.
Back at the fiver, we broke down and turned on the ac for the first time. Our outside thermometer was reading 99.3. We were not sure the park’s electrical system could handle it, but apparently they got their earlier problem fixed cause everything held. I did some more beading and DH was on his computer.
Around 7pm we shut the ac down and opened the windows. Settled in for a little tv and that was that.......
Thursday, March 19, 2009
March 18,2009

Been noticing a lot of butterflies in the air.....found out they are called 'Pretty Ladies' by the locals and they are making their annual migration. They look very much like a monarch butterfly only much smaller. For the last 3 days there has been literally 100's of them in the air........quite the sight.
We checked out a 99cent store today. Not our 'cup-o-tea'! One very messy store with lots of junk and some very irritating people. We won't be going there again.
That was pretty much our day----counting down til 'hitch day'
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
March 17, 2009

Back at the fiver, it was laundry day. Now you talk about hot. The laundry room is small, no ventilation and no air. I got the washing started and than tried to sit outside in the shade, but the flies are so bad----that wasn't working either. I usually don't mind laundry, but today was a pain. But it is done! And what is the deal with these darn flies anyway......everyone is complaining this year and says they have never seen them so bad. It figures---pretty much sums up the 'goode' luck---if something weird is going to happen we are usually present for it---- especially if it is unpleasant! LOL
After the laundry, I crashed in my recliner. It was late afternoon, I was hot, I was tired, and that just seemed to be the perfect place to be. Nice breeze coming in the windows, little bit of fan action for added cooling, and off to dreamland I went.......
Monday, March 16, 2009
March 15, 2009
Today, mmmmm what did we do today? Oh yeah, first of all I slept in today. I got up and let the furballs out around 6 or 7 and then I went back to bed. I normally don’t do that, but for some reason I just wasn’t ready to get up at that point. I think it was after 9 when I finally pried myself out of bed. DH got up too and we decided on pancakes for breakfast.
I managed to do a little beading on a bracelet I have been working on and off. It is called a caterpillar bracelet. You weave the basic bracelet and then add bead “fringe” for an all over fuzzy look---hence the name caterpillar. I’ll try to post some photos next time around. I also did a little sketching--working on my roadrunner and a jack rabbit.
After dinner, I headed up to the activities center for a little karaoke! There were not very many participants this evening---which was actually kinda nice. Not only did I get more ‘mike’ time, but I also tried some songs I might normally not take a chance on with a full house of listeners. Any way, had a great time singing and chatting didn’t make it back to the fiver till after 11pm. Wow, such a night owl........see there was a reason I slept into day, so I could keep my peepers open for a late night o’party-en!
I managed to do a little beading on a bracelet I have been working on and off. It is called a caterpillar bracelet. You weave the basic bracelet and then add bead “fringe” for an all over fuzzy look---hence the name caterpillar. I’ll try to post some photos next time around. I also did a little sketching--working on my roadrunner and a jack rabbit.
After dinner, I headed up to the activities center for a little karaoke! There were not very many participants this evening---which was actually kinda nice. Not only did I get more ‘mike’ time, but I also tried some songs I might normally not take a chance on with a full house of listeners. Any way, had a great time singing and chatting didn’t make it back to the fiver till after 11pm. Wow, such a night owl........see there was a reason I slept into day, so I could keep my peepers open for a late night o’party-en!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
March 14, 2009

One thing I have noticed about the days here in Yuma is how 'noisy' they have become of late. Another sign of spring---the birds are all singing there songs--and it is awesome! I have never heard many of the songs being sung here. And at night, at night there is a wonderfully sweet aroma that wafts its way through the air. I'm guessing it is all the desert flowers that have come to bloom. It truly is a magical place. It just amazes me how different the climate, the animals, the flowers..... I know the natives here and probably my DH.... have to chuckle.....seeing the nutty woman with big eyes and mouth agape, admiring her latest discovery. Just as a small child would.....when I can I have to touch it, smell it, and if appropriate taste it. Lastly, I almost always want to "paint it".....
Saturday, March 14, 2009
March 13, 2009
Today was house or should I say fiver cleaning day. DH once again took the furballs out for a walk so I could get my job done a little easier. One thing about liven in a fifth wheel---not a whole lot to clean.
Once we were all clean and spiffy again---I picked up my Stephen King Novel and resumed by place in my easy chair. You see, that is the problem with a good book. It is so very hard to put down. I need to get back to my sewing table and finish up my ‘coverlets’. Hopefully, I will be more motivated tomorrow. Procrastination has always been one of my closest friends. Sad to say, that has not improved with this lifestyle. DH always told me I did my best work under pressure--in other words--under a deadline. Of course, there are no deadlines here--except the self imposed ones! But, the fiver is starting to look like home--my home. That is important. I’m all about color and style with a little bit of whimsey thrown in for good measure. I also need to feel that sense of accomplishment I feel when the job is done and done well. An artist ego is a fragile thing, it constantly needs to be stroked (just ask DH husband). We are never quite sure that we did it right---it always seems it could be better. Somehow, I’m still always surprised and a little relieved when someone compliments my work. Just a little bit of insight into an ‘artist head’.
By the by, I saw my first Roadrunner the other day here at the park. I was so excited and of course, now I want to paint one---BEEP! BEEP!
Once we were all clean and spiffy again---I picked up my Stephen King Novel and resumed by place in my easy chair. You see, that is the problem with a good book. It is so very hard to put down. I need to get back to my sewing table and finish up my ‘coverlets’. Hopefully, I will be more motivated tomorrow. Procrastination has always been one of my closest friends. Sad to say, that has not improved with this lifestyle. DH always told me I did my best work under pressure--in other words--under a deadline. Of course, there are no deadlines here--except the self imposed ones! But, the fiver is starting to look like home--my home. That is important. I’m all about color and style with a little bit of whimsey thrown in for good measure. I also need to feel that sense of accomplishment I feel when the job is done and done well. An artist ego is a fragile thing, it constantly needs to be stroked (just ask DH husband). We are never quite sure that we did it right---it always seems it could be better. Somehow, I’m still always surprised and a little relieved when someone compliments my work. Just a little bit of insight into an ‘artist head’.
By the by, I saw my first Roadrunner the other day here at the park. I was so excited and of course, now I want to paint one---BEEP! BEEP!
Friday, March 13, 2009
March 12, 2009
Well what do ya know, the folks there at South Dakota Vehicle registration came through and I was able to get our fiver renewal completed online today. That is a very good thing!
We decided to head over to the Arizona Marketplace (otherwise know as ye old flea market--which really isn’t a flea market---but, oh my brain hurts again....) I wanted to trade in some of my old paperbacks for some new ones and DH had his eye on some rv stuff. That didn’t take long at all--mission accomplished on both counts.
Next we headed over where some guy was a selling some strawberries. Really good looking strawberries---got me a pint of those for my pancakes in the morning :-) There just happened to be a “taco stand” next door to the strawberry guy. DH inquired about the taco stand.......strawberry man replied “tis good, very good”. Naturally we were off to the taco stand for lunch. Wow, I had the biggest California style burrito I think I have ever had! Now, just what is a California burrito you ask.......well, it is steak, potatoes, cheese, and a little sour cream...and it is good, very good.
Back at the fiver, DH took his usual seat in front of his computer. I curled up in my recliner with my Stephen King Novel. After that big burrito, supper consisted of a bowl of cereal............then back to my book......all in all it twas a very “goode” day!
We decided to head over to the Arizona Marketplace (otherwise know as ye old flea market--which really isn’t a flea market---but, oh my brain hurts again....) I wanted to trade in some of my old paperbacks for some new ones and DH had his eye on some rv stuff. That didn’t take long at all--mission accomplished on both counts.
Next we headed over where some guy was a selling some strawberries. Really good looking strawberries---got me a pint of those for my pancakes in the morning :-) There just happened to be a “taco stand” next door to the strawberry guy. DH inquired about the taco stand.......strawberry man replied “tis good, very good”. Naturally we were off to the taco stand for lunch. Wow, I had the biggest California style burrito I think I have ever had! Now, just what is a California burrito you ask.......well, it is steak, potatoes, cheese, and a little sour cream...and it is good, very good.
Back at the fiver, DH took his usual seat in front of his computer. I curled up in my recliner with my Stephen King Novel. After that big burrito, supper consisted of a bowl of cereal............then back to my book......all in all it twas a very “goode” day!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
March 11, 2009
Where does the time go to.....I can’t believe we will be heading back to Indiana in just a few more days. Yesterday was spent at the downtown farmer’s market. We picked up some fresh produce and had are usual burritos at the little taco stand there. They are very good and I have not found any more of those “hot ” spots like I did the first time I ate one---my lips and mouth are very happy about that! After the market, we headed back to the fiver. DH’s part for our overhead fan in the kitchen arrived. The part is to replace the one he broke when he was cleaning the fan some time back. He got everything put back together, after a few !@#$%! Unfortunately something is still not right. We think it is in the circuit board. The remote will not function and yes we put in new batteries and re programed---no luck. He sometimes can get the lid to open off the remote, but the fan won’t do any thing but High speed. Mostly it just won’t do anything..........it is still under warranty so we will have the service center check in out back in Elkhart.
Today, after breakfast I took the dogs out for their walk in the sand lot. Unfortunately, the farmers were out working the field so we didn’t get much walk time in---just under a mile. The furballs enjoyed it though and seemed to be ready to nap back at the fiver.
DH was at the computer trying to figure out what he needed to do to put Internet Explorer on the computer. According to South Dakota’s new vehicle registration site, Explorer was the only browser that would allow you access to the site. We are mac folks and explorer no longer supports mac platform. I hate explorer anyway! I use firefox so I pulled up the registration site and was able to renew the truck plates--no problems. For some reason, however, it would not allow me access to our fifth wheel plates. It kept telling me that they were unavailable for renewal. Well, I gave alternative resources a call to see if anyone else was having this problem---they said not as far as they knew. Anyway, long story short, I got a hold of the registration folks in SD. They had me email them a “picture” of the screen on their website that was denying me the registration renewal. They will email me with a resolution as soon as they figure out what is wrong. I did not tell them I was using Firefox, but since I successfully renewed our truck plates I’m pretty sure the problem is theirs not mine---we will see.....I do have a new laptop which is capable of the whole “pc” thing, but I don’t want to go there if I don’t have too!!!
Wow, my brain hurt after all that! I did a little more sewing, some reading--started a new Stephen King Novel called ‘Dreamcatcher’---and before ya know it is time for a little telly and than off to bed...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Today, after breakfast I took the dogs out for their walk in the sand lot. Unfortunately, the farmers were out working the field so we didn’t get much walk time in---just under a mile. The furballs enjoyed it though and seemed to be ready to nap back at the fiver.
DH was at the computer trying to figure out what he needed to do to put Internet Explorer on the computer. According to South Dakota’s new vehicle registration site, Explorer was the only browser that would allow you access to the site. We are mac folks and explorer no longer supports mac platform. I hate explorer anyway! I use firefox so I pulled up the registration site and was able to renew the truck plates--no problems. For some reason, however, it would not allow me access to our fifth wheel plates. It kept telling me that they were unavailable for renewal. Well, I gave alternative resources a call to see if anyone else was having this problem---they said not as far as they knew. Anyway, long story short, I got a hold of the registration folks in SD. They had me email them a “picture” of the screen on their website that was denying me the registration renewal. They will email me with a resolution as soon as they figure out what is wrong. I did not tell them I was using Firefox, but since I successfully renewed our truck plates I’m pretty sure the problem is theirs not mine---we will see.....I do have a new laptop which is capable of the whole “pc” thing, but I don’t want to go there if I don’t have too!!!
Wow, my brain hurt after all that! I did a little more sewing, some reading--started a new Stephen King Novel called ‘Dreamcatcher’---and before ya know it is time for a little telly and than off to bed...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
March 9, 2009
Today we needed to head to Wally World for a few odds and ends. I asked DH to drop me off at Michael’s (craft store) for a little while and he went across the street to Lowes. It was nice to be able to look at all the ‘stuff’ without worrying about DH being bored.
After Wally World, we decided to try out an “IN and Out” hamburger joint. I have to say they have a very small menu. Hamburgers, Fries, and drinks---that is it. I had some communications problems with gal at the counter. She spoke english, but with a very ‘thick’ accent. Somehow my order was a hamburger with bread and lettuce. Still not sure how that happened, but I insisted on mustard and ketchup being added and it was---after much confusion...... The hamburger was OK, but I really miss the “butterburgers” that Culver’s serves back in Indiana.
Back at the fiver, we both spent some time on the internet. Then I decided it was time to do a little napping after all the ‘shopping’. We had salad for dinner and watched a new episode of “House” on tv. Just another ‘do nothing’ day for us here in the desert.
After Wally World, we decided to try out an “IN and Out” hamburger joint. I have to say they have a very small menu. Hamburgers, Fries, and drinks---that is it. I had some communications problems with gal at the counter. She spoke english, but with a very ‘thick’ accent. Somehow my order was a hamburger with bread and lettuce. Still not sure how that happened, but I insisted on mustard and ketchup being added and it was---after much confusion...... The hamburger was OK, but I really miss the “butterburgers” that Culver’s serves back in Indiana.
Back at the fiver, we both spent some time on the internet. Then I decided it was time to do a little napping after all the ‘shopping’. We had salad for dinner and watched a new episode of “House” on tv. Just another ‘do nothing’ day for us here in the desert.
Monday, March 9, 2009
March 8, 2009
Yet another lazy day, although I did manage to put in some more time at my sewing machine. I also managed to bake some zucchini bread--a low sugar version. It turned out to be pretty tasty!
DH spent most of his day in front of his computer. I don’t have a clue what all he finds to look at, but it keeps him occupied and happy so I’m not complaining.
That’s about it......sewing, more book reading, and a little computer-ing.........ahhhh, what a life!
DH spent most of his day in front of his computer. I don’t have a clue what all he finds to look at, but it keeps him occupied and happy so I’m not complaining.
That’s about it......sewing, more book reading, and a little computer-ing.........ahhhh, what a life!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
March 7, 2009
Today I got the sewing machine out and decided to work on the “coverlets” for the sofa and recliners. Just want to add a little “pop” of color and have something to protect the upholstery. Our dogs don’t shed very much, but they do carry in dirt and sand and doggie odor. I need something I can wash on occasion. So, I came up with the ‘coverlet’ idea. Eventually I will probably do full blown slipcovers, but for now this is a faster and easier solution. I’ll try to get some photos up on tomorrow’s post so you can see what I am talking about.
I did manage to take the furballs out for a nice long walk in the sandlot. There are pathways connecting the sprinkler systems in the fields. They are a great place to walk. Nice flat terrain and the sand is packed down so the walking is a lot easier. I usually just drop their leads and let them walk at their own pace. Cosmo is my lazy boy, he always wants to turn around and head back. Once I finally convinced him that was not going to happen--he perked up and actually ran and tried to annoy Belle a little bit---nice to see that puppy playfulness......
After supper, I curled up with a Stephen King novel entitled ‘Rose Madder’.
We only have about 2 weeks left here in Yuma and then we will start our month long journey back to Indiana. I have to admit I’m ready to move on......guess I got that “hitch itch”. Our rv park is starting to look like a ‘ghost town’ as a lot of folks have already gone. Nice to have the extra space, but makes me want to move on all the more......
I did manage to take the furballs out for a nice long walk in the sandlot. There are pathways connecting the sprinkler systems in the fields. They are a great place to walk. Nice flat terrain and the sand is packed down so the walking is a lot easier. I usually just drop their leads and let them walk at their own pace. Cosmo is my lazy boy, he always wants to turn around and head back. Once I finally convinced him that was not going to happen--he perked up and actually ran and tried to annoy Belle a little bit---nice to see that puppy playfulness......
After supper, I curled up with a Stephen King novel entitled ‘Rose Madder’.
We only have about 2 weeks left here in Yuma and then we will start our month long journey back to Indiana. I have to admit I’m ready to move on......guess I got that “hitch itch”. Our rv park is starting to look like a ‘ghost town’ as a lot of folks have already gone. Nice to have the extra space, but makes me want to move on all the more......
Saturday, March 7, 2009
March 6, 2009
I know I’m a day behind in my posting. Yesterday was hair cut day for both myself and DH. After breakfast, we headed out the door in search of a barber for him and a hair stylist for me. I had remembered a shopping center which had both, but I was not sure exactly where it was......we did managed to find it, once we got on the right street. DH was sure it was on such-n-such street and I was not so sure. So, I checked the recent finds in the garmin and there it was--DH still wasn’t sure, but I said, “Humor me” and check it out. He did and we arrived at the shopping center a few minutes later--at least we were in the general area. Oh yeah, did I mention I was right and DH was wrong?
It was funny, it was like we were going into the vast unknown......we both hugged each other and said ‘hope we still recognize each other, when this is over’. When it was over it was all good and yes, we both still look like us---not sure if that is good or bad though, but it is all we have.....
That was pretty much all the excitement we had for that day.
Today I decided to clean the fiver. DH took the furballs out for a long walk so I could have the place to myself. Thanks, honey! I decided with all the sand, I had better really do a good job of cleaning. All of the cabinets and woodwork needed a good dusting and I even got the ladder out and cleaned the ceiling fan. Ran the sweeper and mopped the kitchen and bathroom floors. AH, it is good to have a clean house! At least for the moment, it won’t take long for the furballs and us to start dragging in the sand---oh, look here those little sandbags come now!
The rest of the day I was in a baking mood, cause I ended up making macaroni salad and papaya pie. Yep, I said Papaya Pie! Remember, I said we had bought a papaya at the farmers market and I wasn’t all that pleased with the taste. Well, I found a recipe for a pie using papaya. It turned out to be very good. The best way I can describe it’s taste is a peach pie. The papaya is cut into one inch chunks and cooked on the stove top for about 20 minutes with various spices. Then you add an egg to the mixture and pour it into a graham cracker crust. Pop in a 350 oven for about 45 minutes and.........there you have it.......a papaya pie! Oh my, will wonders never cease!
Ok, one last thing and that is a big Thank you to all of you that sent your compliments on my window treatment photos. I appreciated them all.......thank you.
It was funny, it was like we were going into the vast unknown......we both hugged each other and said ‘hope we still recognize each other, when this is over’. When it was over it was all good and yes, we both still look like us---not sure if that is good or bad though, but it is all we have.....
That was pretty much all the excitement we had for that day.
Today I decided to clean the fiver. DH took the furballs out for a long walk so I could have the place to myself. Thanks, honey! I decided with all the sand, I had better really do a good job of cleaning. All of the cabinets and woodwork needed a good dusting and I even got the ladder out and cleaned the ceiling fan. Ran the sweeper and mopped the kitchen and bathroom floors. AH, it is good to have a clean house! At least for the moment, it won’t take long for the furballs and us to start dragging in the sand---oh, look here those little sandbags come now!
The rest of the day I was in a baking mood, cause I ended up making macaroni salad and papaya pie. Yep, I said Papaya Pie! Remember, I said we had bought a papaya at the farmers market and I wasn’t all that pleased with the taste. Well, I found a recipe for a pie using papaya. It turned out to be very good. The best way I can describe it’s taste is a peach pie. The papaya is cut into one inch chunks and cooked on the stove top for about 20 minutes with various spices. Then you add an egg to the mixture and pour it into a graham cracker crust. Pop in a 350 oven for about 45 minutes and.........there you have it.......a papaya pie! Oh my, will wonders never cease!
Ok, one last thing and that is a big Thank you to all of you that sent your compliments on my window treatment photos. I appreciated them all.......thank you.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
March 4, 2009

As to today, it was a Wally World day. We needed a few groceries and drinking water so off we went. Same old Wally World, nothing exciting to report there.
Back at the fiver I paid our electric bill, a big old $25 and some change. So much cheaper than Benson. We paid over $80 dollars in Benson for 4 weeks, the $25 actually covered 5 weeks here in Yuma. We thought maybe our meter was broke, but no one has said anything and they read all the meters at the same time so if something was amiss they should know it.
The evening consisted of taking the furballs out to romp in their sand lot, while DH got supper started. We decided on breakfast for dinner tonight. He was frying up his delicious hash browns and sausage on our new griddle when I got back from the sandlot. I did the eggs---over easy please........everything was good!
A little tv---mostly reruns---so we mostly napped in our easy chairs---and off to bed
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
March 3, 2009
Today was a much better day temp wise. We woke up to cloud cover which lasted most of the day and managed to keep the temps in the low 80’s. That is a good thing! Decided it was cool enough to leave the furballs and head over to the downtown farmer’s market. I decided I wanted to try a Papaya. Once home, I cut the thing open and scooped out the seeds, removed the outer skin and popped a chunk in my mouth. “Ok, now that is different from what I expected!” Not a bad taste, but not a really good taste either. At first it is a little sweet and ya start thinking you’ll like it. Then, it changes and morphs into something not so pleasant laying there in your month. I also notice when I was cleaning it that it has a somewhat slimy texture like an avocado. I don’t know, I’m certainly not going to eat this thing raw. I will have to see if I can come up with a recipe that I can use it in. I also bought a whole bag of lemons for $2.00. I made lemonade! That was just as I expected and quite good. Actually reminded me of the lemon shake ups I used to have at the county fair.
Came home and found the cooler temps had revived the furballs. They were definitely ready for a walk. I took them out to the sand lot so they could burn off some of that pent up energy.
One thing is clear, the desert is starting to come alive with color. Almost everywhere you look now, something is in bloom. I’m really looking forward to seeing it in all it’s glory. I’ll try to snap some photos for next time..........
Came home and found the cooler temps had revived the furballs. They were definitely ready for a walk. I took them out to the sand lot so they could burn off some of that pent up energy.
One thing is clear, the desert is starting to come alive with color. Almost everywhere you look now, something is in bloom. I’m really looking forward to seeing it in all it’s glory. I’ll try to snap some photos for next time..........
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Happy Birthday Baby Boy!

I'm posting a second time to wish my BABY BOY a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! We love you, Sam! Wish we could be there to wish you a Happy-Bday in person. Mama is sending you a big old mama bear hug! You are 26 years old today! Have I embarrassed you enough? Joking a side, "your smile still lights up my heart" and you will always be my 'baby boy'. Love and Hugs from Mom and DAD
Mar 2, 2009

Today was another hot one, our temp gauge topped out at a little over 99 degrees. It was reading 97 in the fiver. Just like clock work the electricity popped off around 1:30. If one more person comes by telling me to turn off my AC, they are going to find my shoe toe up their butt!! Yes, my patience is wearing thin. We have not been running our AC and have not run the thing for probably over a year. Oh well, the electric went on and then off for most of the rest of the day and into early evening. I'm afraid the heat got the best of me today and I decided to head for bed around 7pm. DH stayed up and watched tv til around 10pm.
The cool down is on its way----they are forecasting cooler temps tomorrow and maybe a chance of rain. I sure would not want to be out east with all the cold and snow, but I am ready for break in the above average temps here in the desert.
Monday, March 2, 2009
March 1, 2009
Today was another do-noth-in day and that’s OK with us. DH decided he needed to spend some time at the Home Depot. He just gets that urge to go and walk up and down the isles---mostly looking......I stay home during those looky-lou excursions.
The furballs and I were happy to be ‘couch potatoes’. I did some beading--learned a new technique called ‘ndebele’ or ‘herringbone’. Took me a little while to get the hang of it, but I did. I’m making a ‘caterpillar“ bracelet. You basically weave the base and then add bead ‘fringe’. I ‘ll see if I can get a good photo and post. I’m about half way on the base.
We decided on salad for supper. We buy those chicken tenders, grill them, and then add them to our salad fix-ins. It is a filling dinner, but yet light and cool. That’s a good thing with Temps topping out in the 90’s today.
We also had some more ‘boondocking’ practice today. Seems one of our neighbors decided to flip on their AC and the current electrical system could not handle it. The park is asking folks to refrain from using their air at this time. They are in the process of upgrading, but it takes time and money--so for now---NO AC PLEASE. We have not used our AC at all, but we do like our fans. The power was off for about 2 hours, but fortunately it was from about 5pm to 7pm, once the sun goes down it cools off fast. After dinner, we just left the lights off and watched a little tv till bedtime-the batteries did just fine. They are still forecasting above normal temps till the weekend, so I’m guessing we will be seeing some more of those power failures in our future :)
The furballs and I were happy to be ‘couch potatoes’. I did some beading--learned a new technique called ‘ndebele’ or ‘herringbone’. Took me a little while to get the hang of it, but I did. I’m making a ‘caterpillar“ bracelet. You basically weave the base and then add bead ‘fringe’. I ‘ll see if I can get a good photo and post. I’m about half way on the base.
We decided on salad for supper. We buy those chicken tenders, grill them, and then add them to our salad fix-ins. It is a filling dinner, but yet light and cool. That’s a good thing with Temps topping out in the 90’s today.
We also had some more ‘boondocking’ practice today. Seems one of our neighbors decided to flip on their AC and the current electrical system could not handle it. The park is asking folks to refrain from using their air at this time. They are in the process of upgrading, but it takes time and money--so for now---NO AC PLEASE. We have not used our AC at all, but we do like our fans. The power was off for about 2 hours, but fortunately it was from about 5pm to 7pm, once the sun goes down it cools off fast. After dinner, we just left the lights off and watched a little tv till bedtime-the batteries did just fine. They are still forecasting above normal temps till the weekend, so I’m guessing we will be seeing some more of those power failures in our future :)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Feb 28, 2009
Yesterday the rv park needed to do some electrical work so we were without power for about 2 hours. It gave us a good chance to see how our one and only solar panel preforms.........it did well. It actually managed to stay above our use we never did dip into the negative zone. Now, it was daytime and we certainly were not using much electricity, but we were still surprised to see how well it did. And that started a conversation........
We keep talking about the boondocking thing---now, we are not going to be doing it for long periods. We enjoy full hookups and we don’t mind most of the rv parks we stay in, but there are a lot of nice state parks that we would like to enjoy. We have found many do not provide full hook ups and the other problem is that many of the state parks can not accommodate our 40 foot length. Nothing we can do about our size, but we can learn to boondock. At this point, we are looking at adding another solar panel, a small generator, and some type of portable fresh water. Our fresh water tank only holds 65 gallon and we seem to go through that fairly quickly. Here in Yuma, the drinking water is high in sodium. We have been bringing all our drinking water in and between the coffee in the morning and the dogs drinking water we go through about 7 gallons every three days. That is not counting showers, dish washing water, and cooking water. We understand we will have to go into ‘conservation mode’ when we boondock, but we still feel we need an additional source of fresh water. Most parks have water sources near by, but if we do some public land boondocking that will not be the case. We would like to have the set up where we could be comfortable and self contained for about a week at at time.
I’m looking forward to getting this all worked out. There are things I miss in the rv parks. I miss the campfire, I miss the exploring of trails, I miss the “it” factor as Howard and Linda would say, and although I am somewhat of a ‘social butterfly’ I miss that quiet solitude. I just want to have the freedom to go “where no man has gone before’.............hee, hee
As to what we have been up to the last two days.........nothing but nothing. Just enjoying the desert sunshine and thinking of where this lifestyle will lead us next
We keep talking about the boondocking thing---now, we are not going to be doing it for long periods. We enjoy full hookups and we don’t mind most of the rv parks we stay in, but there are a lot of nice state parks that we would like to enjoy. We have found many do not provide full hook ups and the other problem is that many of the state parks can not accommodate our 40 foot length. Nothing we can do about our size, but we can learn to boondock. At this point, we are looking at adding another solar panel, a small generator, and some type of portable fresh water. Our fresh water tank only holds 65 gallon and we seem to go through that fairly quickly. Here in Yuma, the drinking water is high in sodium. We have been bringing all our drinking water in and between the coffee in the morning and the dogs drinking water we go through about 7 gallons every three days. That is not counting showers, dish washing water, and cooking water. We understand we will have to go into ‘conservation mode’ when we boondock, but we still feel we need an additional source of fresh water. Most parks have water sources near by, but if we do some public land boondocking that will not be the case. We would like to have the set up where we could be comfortable and self contained for about a week at at time.
I’m looking forward to getting this all worked out. There are things I miss in the rv parks. I miss the campfire, I miss the exploring of trails, I miss the “it” factor as Howard and Linda would say, and although I am somewhat of a ‘social butterfly’ I miss that quiet solitude. I just want to have the freedom to go “where no man has gone before’.............hee, hee
As to what we have been up to the last two days.........nothing but nothing. Just enjoying the desert sunshine and thinking of where this lifestyle will lead us next
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