Friday, March 5, 2010

Yesterday was a bright and sunny day.  Temps were in the high 60's.....all and all a very nice day.  Lunch was at a local Chinese buffet, where we met up with some of the RV Dreamers and some Escapees for food and fun.  We had a great time meeting and greeting and adding new friends to our extended rv family!

After lunch, Billy was forced to stop at some neat little shops I had seen off of Hwy 35.  He sat patiently in the truck while I did some shopping.  I have to say I really enjoyed myself.  The shops were tastefully decorated and the merchandise was moderately priced.  That is a combination that is hard to find.  I did find a treasure to add to my "fiver decor"!  I will share a photo, once I get it hung on the wall!

Back at the fiver, a couple of rv dreamer gals (Molly and Donna) came over to check out my handpainted bricks.  They seemed to think I did a pretty good job......thanks girls!

Our time here is growing short and it will be hard to say good bye to all our friends, but the great thing about this rv know you will meet up again....somewhere....down the road! Till then we can keep in touch through our blogs and truly is a "Wonderful Life"!


  1. You have done a beautiful job with your decor!!! Thanks for showing you can come over and help me! LOL

  2. Thanks Molly....I do love to decorate, but your home is beautiful!


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